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Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage

in 2024

Hanseatic cities

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the World Population


To the Hanseatic City of Luebeck

Pychiatric Service


The German-language document you may find here!

Luebeck Germany, 27 August 2024

Clear instructions and clear statements on the matter

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers,

Today I would like to refresh your memory a little, so that some of you will not be under the impression that he or she is attempting to strain the over-dimensional area with further entanglements, deceptions and tricks in order to complicate or prolong the situation.

Due to the passive behaviour of the informed public officials, every citizen can of course easily hide behind his or her faked life story and become entangled with other life stories or do the same, causing uncertainty and a lack of clarity in establishing the truth of the matter. Fortunately, my person knows the possibilities of many of the ‘devil's children’ who have gathered around my person, which has only become possible through a good power of observation, with a lot of patience, insight and forbearance of the criminal machinations of these types.

Now, for my person, the made picture of the possible ‘control of the Luebeck devil's children’, which seems to be personified, is confirmed quite clearly by the unambiguous behaviour of these people, which the experts and those responsible in the matter will probably lack knowledge of. On the one hand, these people are trying to stand up for the matter that has become public, but on the other hand, these guys want to leave the door open and in particular not vacate the site, i. e. the flats my person is demanding and the parcels of land in Hohewarte II, which they have been occupying unjustifiably for a long time.

My direct neighbours are affected in this respect, as they have broken into my flat or garden and especially into the two garden sheds with malicious intent. But the worst of all are the neighbours who stood by silently and tolerated what was going on here and there.

It should also not be forgotten that some other people are in prison for much less than, for example, breaking into the flat or the garden sheds with damage to property and more and the malicious intent to be driven out of the actual living area as the injured party. Many serious criminals or murderers are locked up in prison and, for reasons of justice, should also be given the same chance to change sides in their life balance as any other unpunished criminal, for example to be able to move freely around the garden grounds of Hohewarte I, Hohewarte II and Hohewarte III.

This is done by expecting the arrival of one or more UFOs near the river in the garden grounds or at small lakes in the city centre of the Hanseatic city of Luebeck and these criminals or murderers will most likely be responsible for the ‘inner life’ of these flying objects.

In order to make good progress in the matter, discussions must be held with these and those people and this does not necessarily happen voluntarily, but must be done with an official summons together with experts, as has already been ordered several times in writing on the Internet.

This is, of course, a learning process in which the person must learn to understand that one must not treat a more or less defenceless person with impunity by playing a full play, and this also applies to the specialist staff of the psychiatric service, in that an outsider, my person, the Empress, must now set the direction. However, should you be able to manage without the expertise of my person to understand the steering for the matter, the next step for the hometown of the Authorities would then be to hand over responsibility to Prince Martin and implement the decisions taken.

There will be no concessions or loosening of the resolutions that have already been made in writing; on the contrary, they will have to be reinforced. After all, it is unacceptable that the resolutions of my person that have not been implemented should come to nothing or be implemented in a watered-down form due to the loss of time, even though others continue to live at a high or very high cost.

And if my person then has to recognise that various people are trying to trick themselves and others into a better or untrue image in order to put others in a false light at the same time, then two additional days of homelessness for such ‘black sheep’ are certainly appropriate.

Also for the sake of the environment, the time pressure is clearly recognisable in that the bicycle must be taken out of the cellar and consideration should be given to how justice can be achieved by involving not only the hometown of the Authorities, not only the FRG, not only Europe, but all states of the world in this highly urgent measure.

Industrialisation has already reached its peak worldwide and should be reduced to just a few countries or to one Asian country, as already announced, in line with reality, in that a rethink and a worldwide restructuring of the global economic system must take place, which is in harmony with nature and human health as well as with the Creator. At the same time, the over-dimensional sector must be kept technically running by converting the system of the entire economy to the "golden craft" as a kind of "para-world", as already proposed.

This will considerably reduce the burden on the environment and the earth caused by the current enormous daily exploitation and there will still be time for cultural change and for the population to change sides in order to be able to move to the safe side of a future worth living.

But for this realisation we need people and not half-animals who have nothing but advantageous thinking in their heads! This applies not only to Europe, but worldwide and requires a great deal of commitment and hard work from every responsible person!

This means that humanity must first earn its way to heaven and this is done by first relieving and securing the old and battered earth and the environment, as the volcanoes have already been added by their activity, but the world should still be able to carry and accommodate humans and more for a while!

Of course, good ideas and the best solutions in the matter and on behalf of the Lord and Creator are always welcome by all compatriots and will certainly be expected by the Creator of heaven and earth from some personalities, only this creative power must not be at the high expense of others and at the expense of the Authorities and must fit into the given framework of the world cultural heritage, as can be seen on the Internet through the homepages of my person, and be able to fit in properly.

Yours sincerely, Ursula Sabisch


HP: Don't forget: Hamburg is the gateway to the world, and the plan is also available on the Internet! And: As always, exceptions prove the rule by the required execution of the eviction by relocating the people in the case! But in general, don't forget that my person has a large credit balance on the credit side and will therefore really let it bang!


It is regrettable that for decades hardly anyone has been able to meet my person with decency and at eye level, which should change as soon as possible!