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Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage

in 2024

Carte de visite for Easter 2024

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the Roman Catholic Church


To the World Population 


To the Royal Danish Ambassadors



Luebeck, 26 March 2024

The family's carte de visite/ Easter letter from the Empress

Please let this document be translated into many languages and be handed over to the corresponding people at once! The German-language document you may find here!

Dear Readers, Dear Sirs,

For some time now, we as humanity have all been at the end of the age of time and thus at the end of the atomic age, which one or the other person in the world will be more or less aware of!

For this reason, the world currently bears much, much suffering and many injustices, but the world also bears much more than just human and home-made evil, because the world does not bear itself without Creation. Among other things, the world bears many, many treasures and a few high and true title-holders, and one of these title-holders, the Empress, will send you and others this Easter letter!

The whole global enterprise, which must be brought up especially at Easter, which has to be called for a future worth living and secure, naturally also depends on the more or less good sense of each individual and not only on the Authorities, and thus the whole of humanity is called upon and actively involved in the cycle of life.

But where do you actually start and where do you actively end in this extensive and multifaceted global enterprise?

You start with the smallest unit of humanity, namely the family, and naturally continue with tidying up and sweeping outside your own front door. Then you only stop at the over-Monumental active actions that transcend human understanding and are made impossible or inaccessible to people!

Because for this, our particular time, there is obviously already an Activity that allows the called upon Authorities to become more capable of acting.

Hopefully, this will also involve the Cudgel from the Monumental Realm, preferably centred on my person, which will ensure order, justice and security for humanity in the near future.

Of course, the by-product of this unique "story" will also be present and this is a compiled "witch", who also falls within the area of responsibility of my person, the Empress, because the Creator of Heaven and Earth is very strict in the distribution of every leadership position and every person responsible in His matter!

Thus, among other things, the stress and time pressure that arises comes from above and is forcibly passed on downwards by your Authorities!

But now many of the readers are asking themselves why an Easter letter should be intended to pass on a certain pressure to the world's population, because Easter is a celebration of the joy of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the joy of the victory of life and death!

Unfortunately, my person can only share a little in the Easter joy of humanity or only perceive a little of it because, due to the influence of the devilish spirit of the age, reality is driving people in the wrong direction by destroying or abolishing themselves!

The reasons for this can be found in the daily news, among other things, and have become clearly recognisable through the media's films and entertainment programmes, some of which are of low level, by means of a clever mixture of highly valuable and instructive information!

Unfortunately, children and young people particular have been at the mercy of this clever media approach for several decades and have organised their future lives according to the shown reality, which can be clearly seen in one person or another!

And now we come to the colourful Easter eggs this Easter, especially the colourful Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has placed in our nests!

If you are already familiar with my letters and have understood these documents, then you should know that the colourful Easter-egg-abortion-stories must now come to an end, because you and every other person are only in the world and alive because other people have protected the fundamental right to life, whereby every individually humanly created life logically always affects Creation and because every creature is managed by Creation!

A surrogacy story is also a very dirty business by using Creation, whereby any adulteration in the stem cells and any organ transplantation also belong in this business! This and much more cannot be sugar-coated and much can no longer be made good by human hands and a human right, but a Paschal regulation must be established worldwide in the Basic Law for a future, so that the Lord God can get involved with us humans again!

Every single killing of a life in the beginning of every single human being must be equivalent to being thrown out of the common great house of these perpetrators and must be equated with it! 

Even every conceivable presumption of wanting to intrude into the realm of Creation, for example through artificial fertilisation, must and will have corresponding consequences for the perpetrator, and if not here on earth, then certainly elsewhere!

And because this will indeed be the reality, all of these perpetrators here on earth will be given the opportunity at the end of time to take responsibility for the crap they have produced.  

Every person who has knowingly committed the crime of killing an unborn human being and has to answer for it or has knowingly participated in it will have to face the consequences and, if involuntary, will be made public by having to give up their life of luxury. 

This will be done by such a person, including his or her partner, spouse and children, having to leave the house, terraced house or even the owner-occupied flat in which he or she lives, by exchanging the flat for a simple flat on the floor of a family with many children, who do not belong in this execution!

If necessary, the parents or legal guardians of the children affected, who will have to give up their life of luxury as a result of this decision, will please provide truthful information and will not try to shift the blame onto the Empress, because then there will be additional slapped "across the backside" in front of the children's eyes!

Justification: If you have been able to live a life of luxury at the expense of an unborn human being, you have no place on God's earth and certainly not in a noble living area.

In order for others and future generations to understand the seriousness of such an insidious act, these so-called "Easter bunnies", who have forcibly dragged others into their "dirty nest", preferably the fathers of a child, who knew nothing about a begotten child and its abortion or tried to prevent this abortion by all means and with all their might and thus do not belong in this earthly consummation, must go this way!

Even the Cudgel of my person will recognise its responsibility in this respect and hopefully ensure a faultless and compensatory justice, which should hereby become clear as an Easter letter!

What could happen in the future for every single person, even for every criminal or murderer in the world, when the unique fairy tale begins, is of course also in God's hands and is clearly connected with the preparation and groundwork for the coming end and a possible new beginning.

For the citizens of Germany and Europe as a whole, this means that the entire family of every child and young person will have to go back to the school desk or church pew, for example, or inform themselves about the matter and commission by working from home on the Internet!

Especially for grandparents and great-grandparents, for uncles and aunts, great-uncles and great-aunts, the possibility of information through magazines and newspapers is given, in which every thinking citizen should inform him/ herself in the matter and on commission!

The good news is: Only the beautiful crosses with and without crucifixes will return to public institutions, first in Germany and then throughout Europe, and the kneelers will also return to the one true church to which the Authority or the called-upon Crown belongs. The church bells will also ring again every Sunday, because it is not the church bells that have to be silent, but the residents have to be silent or they will have to leave the neighbourhood! 

Laundry will also no longer be allowed to be hung outside in front of neighbours on Sundays, which also applies in particular to immigrants and non-Christians in an influenced Christian Europe. Furthermore, the opening hours of all shops will have to be reduced to weekdays, with Sunday being the day of rest and the Lord's Day!

The bad news is: Many of the citizens, preferably those of the entire hometown of the appointed and called Authorities and many citizens of the following cities will be rebuked, but in the truest sense of the word, which my person has ordered extraordinarily.

The good news is that anyone who feels unfairly or unjustly treated can approach the King's team or the Emperor's team with good arguments, in which the facts of the case will certainly be reviewed in order to obtain a written decree from King Juergen or Emperor Diethard.

So I wish you and everyone else every success in the "egg hunt and in the search for the described Easter bunnies" and, of course, the wish concerns the corresponding courage that should actually characterise a Christian to finally accept reality.

You and others should also try once with more love to the truth, which would be a good and necessary idea so that the remaining time is not wasted and a future worth living can be made possible for children and future generations.

The children urgently need role models and a source of calm in the extremely important question of faith through family members, but not any contrary actions against God and His Church, what, if successful, could be seen on the carte de visite of every citizen concerned!

Happy Easter, the Empress

Notice: Every millionaire or billionaire informed in the matter, who knowingly let people in the world starve to death in order to be able to organise his/ her life by splurging or to satisfy his/ her ego and to expand it by more or less hoarding the corresponding fortune or the means missing for others still today, which is still having an effect on the dark side of life today, as these resources have been withheld from the people concerned in order to survive, each of these rich people is also coming to the end by the execution* of the Cudgel and this really is and will remain an IMPACT in the foreseeable future, which will have a global impact!

* On Holy Thurstay, 28 March 2024 document checked.